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Works for Chamber Ensembles

Quotations for Piano, Cello, and Clarinet

An adaptation of the Guitar Solo piece "Quotations" for Piano, Cello, and Clarinet.

Performed by Elevate Ensemble during their SFSU Residency in the Spring of 2016 at Knuth Hall on SFSU Campus.

Playing With The Light for String Quartet

Playing With The Light is a  piece for String Quartet, originally created on solo acoustic fingerstyle guitar. This piece features odd time signatures, angular melodies, and unconventional string writing and song structure. Math Rock is a prominent influence here.

A sightread performance pieced together from a composition workshop at SFSU in the Spring of 2019.

Pining for Guitar Duo

Pining is a planned three movement piece detailing the transition of one to another place in their life, physically or otherwise.


The first is played by any style of acoustic six string guitar, the second is played by electric guitars and loop pedal through amplification, and the third will be played by steel string acoustic and modified 12-string, tuned in standard with the courses set in fifths instead of octaves or unisons.


All movements were performed in Knuth Hall at SFSU

Spring 2015 - Movement 1 - Sean Thompson and Spenser Steinman

Fall 2015 - Movement 2 - Sean Thompson and Spenser Steinman

The World Premiere of "Now that I've mined you, are you mine?" was performed as part of a collaboration-focused concert entitled SFSU Composers Songfest. Featuring a collaboration between the music and creative writing department, this concert was the first of its kind in a very long time at SFSU.

This piece explores revisiting an old relationship, one in which the power dynamic and levels of love between the two were not equal, to the point where love, lust, pain, sadness, and more emotions cast shadows onto the relationship. The narrator attempts to make sense of this past, with newfound clarity, and ultimately settles on the fact that "there's nothing left to mine." All that is done is done, lessons learned; we must move on.

Emily Crawford - Soprano
Kyle Pescasio - Piano
Poetry by Lara Lazo Coley.
Video recorded and edited by Jairus Alex Cambe.
Audio by Paul Wilson

Performed on May 14th, 2018, at Knuth Hall at San Francisco State University.


Now that I've mined you, are you mine? 
for Soprano and Piano

Works for Large Ensembles

Mélange for Wind Ensemble

A performance of my composition for wind ensemble, Mélange, by the San Francisco State University Wind Ensemble in 2019.

I worked on this piece for two and a half years, slowly editing, re-editing, rearranging and editing it again during my undergraduate years at SFSU.

It was a labor of love, albeit one that took a huge amount of energy out of me. It was originally conceived to be a four movement piece centered around the seasons as experienced by the beautiful yet chaotic nature of the Feather River Canyon, near where I grew up. Since starting the composition process, the Camp Fire struck and completely reformed my feelings about the area, so I began to lose touch with the original idea. Yet, I stuck with the idea, as my original love for the Feather River Canyon hasn't gone away. 

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